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Determinants of cancer care pathways at Wajir County, Kenya: patient perspectives
(Researchecancer, 2025-02-12) Affey, Fatuma; Halake, Dabo Galgalo; Wainaina, Grace Muira; Osman, Hussein Ali; Ndukui, James G; Abdourahman, Houda; Abdihamid, Omar
Background: Cancer represents a major public health issue with substantial morbidity and mortality in low-resource settings such as Kenya. This study focuses on Wajir County in northern Kenya, a region with limited cancer care infrastructure and high unmet needs. Despite recent efforts to decentralize cancer care in Kenya, including establishing regional cancer centres in Garissa, Nakuru, and Mombasa, access to screening, diagnostics, and treatment remains constrained, particularly in rural areas. The absence of comprehen- sive cancer care pathways and a specialized oncology workforce in Wajir County exac- erbates challenges in early detection, treatment, and palliative care. The study evaluated the availability of cancer care services at Wajir County Referral Hospital (WCRH), includ- ing screening, diagnostic services, treatment modalities, and referral systems. The study further explores the gaps in cancer care, focusing on patient perspectives, and proposes potential solutions to address these challenges. Methods: This study used mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative) methods to understand cancer care from the perspective of patients at WCRH. It involved adult patients (over 18) with a confirmed cancer diagnosis who were receiving treatment or follow-up care between February and April 2024. Data were gathered through inter- views and surveys, with research assistants helping with language translation and com- munity navigation. The study collected information on demographics, cancer types, and prevalence rates, which were analysed using descriptive statistics. The qualitative data focused on patients' experiences with cancer awareness, treatment, and care gaps, and were analysed for common themes. Ethical approval was obtained, and informed consent was given by all participants. Results: This study involved 25 cancer patients (12 males, 13 females) receiving treat- ment at WCRH. The most common cancers were esophageal (44%), cervical (28%), breast (24%), and prostate (8%). Delays in diagnosis were significant, with 12% of patients wait- ing over 6 years, 24% waiting 4–6 years, and 40% waiting 1–3 years before seeking care. Most diagnoses were made at WCRH (64%), with others diagnosed at the Garissa Can- cer Centre (22%) or in Nairobi (20%). Diagnostic tools available at WCRH included pap smears, mammograms, PSA tests, ultrasound, CT scans, and biopsies. However, access to these tools was limited, with barium swallow (32%) being the most frequently used for esophageal cancer, followed by pap smears, biopsies, and ultrasound (16% each). Patient awareness of cancer screening was higher for cervical (68%) and breast cancer (60%) but lower for prostate cancer (32%) and esophageal cancer (4%). Despite awareness, only 8% had previously undergone screening. Regarding treatment, most patients (80%) were aware of surgical options, while fewer knew about chemo- therapy (28%) or palliative care (12%). When treatment was unavailable at WCRH, most patients preferred the Garissa Cancer Centre (80%) or Nairobi (52%). Financial challenges were the primary barrier to treatment for 88% of patients, and patients suggested improving local cancer care, subsidizing treatment, and enhancing early detection and screening services. Conclusion: The findings indicate a high burden of late-stage cancer diagnoses, insufficient cancer screening and treatment services, and limited access to cancer care pathways and patient navigation systems. These results underscore the urgent need for improved cancer care pathways, enhanced awareness, and increased healthcare capacity to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality in northern Kenya. This study contributes to understanding the cancer care landscape in Wajir County and provides a foundation for future health policy initiatives aimed at bridging existing gaps in cancer care.
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Numerous extant studies linking strategic planning and organizational performance abound, but non- focused on the effect of human capital participation in such a relationship. Moreover, none of the studies focused on the Kenya’s banking industry context. Thus a study towards determining the nature of relationship among the three constructs in Kenyan banks was thoughtful. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of strategic planning and human capital participation on organization performance in Kenya’s commercial banks. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: Establish the relationship between strategy formulation and performance of Kenya’s commercial banks, establish the relationship between strategy implementation and performance of Kenya’s commercial banks, to ascertain the effects of control systems on performance of Kenya’s commercial banks, to investigate the effects of leadership and management participation and involvement in the strategic planning process on performance of commercial banks in Kenya, and to investigate the effects of employee participation and involvement in the strategic planning process on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. In this study descriptive research design, was used as the framework for analysis of data. The population of the study comprised of all 43 commercial banks in Kenya. Stratified random sampling technique was used because Kenyan banks are in different stages of development and exhibit high level of diversity in aspects such as ownership and leadership. The researcher used a questionnaire as a primary data collection instrument. Data for this study was quantitative hence descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed in data analysis. To establish the relationships between variables the researcher used Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r), and multiple linear regressions. Performance of the banks is done through the use of both financial and non-financial measures with the inclusion of the employees in strategy evaluation and has indicated improvement in the banks’ profitability. Currently, the management’s efforts in controlling the strategic implementation strategy have resulted to the banks’ assets growth, growth of the bank’s market shares and launch of new products. Above 90% of the banks’ performance can be explained by the influence of the strategic planning and human capital participation in strategic planning. These variables have shown strong positive correlation with the performance of the banks. Thus, increasing either of the variables will result to a corresponding increase of the banks’ performance. However management and leadership participation and involvement was found to have very minimal influence on the strategic planning process. The study recommends a need to implement a system of corporate governance for banks, in the form of a template on which banks should base the development of their own control systems. The banking supervisors should provide guidance to banks on sound strategic planning and proactive practices that should be in place. The researcher recommends further studies to be undertaken focusing on influence of management and leadership participation and involvement in strategic planning process and their influence in the performance of the banks to validate these findings.
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(Umma University, 2025-02-06) Wanjau, Jackson; Maguta, Ann
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets was adopted by the UN’s 193 member states in September 20155. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 calls for strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development5. In particular, it calls for investing and fortifying the global partnerships to achieve sustainable development. The UN 2030 Agenda is global in nature and expects cooperation by both developed and developing countries to ensure no state is left behind. Thus the importance of SDG Goal 17 that encourages partnerships between different stakeholders viz: Public Sector, Private Sector, International Agencies and Civil Society organizations. The Goal of this Research Paper was to examine how Public Private Partnerships (PPP) can foster Sustainable Growth and Corporate Governance in Kenyan Universities.The study was guided by the following objectives
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Challenges of Sustainable Development in Societies: A Systematic Literature Review
(Umma University, 2025-02-06) Wanjau, Jackson; Maguta, Ann
Sustainable development is a relatively new policy dimension in most countries especially for the developing world. The year 2030 Agenda which was adopted by the 193 member states of the United Nations at the General Assembly held in September, 2015 provides for 17 sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals set out all aspects of trans-formative development from inclusive economic, social and environmental matters. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), further, sets out the benchmark for states to gauge themselves towards the collective sustainable development. The objective of this paper is to examine some of the identified buildings blocks and challenges of sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach In writing this paper, a comprehensive Systematic Literature Review of 10 peer-reviewed scientific journal articles, including a content analysis, was conducted.
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(Umma University, 2025-02-06) WANJAU, JACKSON; MAGUTA, ANN
In the recent times, the world has been trying to incorporate Climate Finance as a tool for Environmental Diplomacy in environmental agreements despite the fact that it is usually regarded as the most complex diplomatic process. According to National Geographic Society (2024), diplomacy refers to representatives of different groups discussing such issues as conflict, trade, the environment, technology, or maintaining security. Environmental diplomacy aspect commenced at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro commonly referred to as the “Earth Summit”. This was a major gathering of heads of state where nearly 180 nations participated. As an upshot of UNCED conference, governments could no longer ignore environmental matters in the greater aspects of national policy and further it became clear that everyone has a stake in the condition of the environment.
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Influence of Cultural Competence Training among Health Care Workers on Patient Satisfaction and Health Outcomes in Diverse Communities
(Asian Journal of Research in Nursing and Health, 2024-10-30) Musembi Mary; Affey, Fatuma
This study aimed at exploring impact of cultural competence training on enhancing patients satisfaction and improving health outcomes within such communities. Study Design: Analytical-cross sectional study design approach was applied in this study, both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized to collect data. Relationship between cultural competence training and its effects on patient satisfaction and health outcomes was examined as well as mechanisms through which cultural competence training influences healthcare delivery in diverse settings was explored. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in Kiambu Level 5 Hospital in Kiambu County, Kenya. This region hosts a mixed population with varying cultures, and it is a level 5 hospital with high referrals of various cases from different parts of the county. The area provided conducive environment for this study since it borders Nairobi and its population
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Home and School Based Parental Involvement as Predictors of Access and Retention in Public Primary Schools in Kajiado County, Kenya
(2024-10-11) Kerei K. Beatrice,; Nangithia Robert; and Mwai M. Joseph
Parental involvement in children's education has consistently been associated with improved academic performance. Despite government efforts to provide free primary education, many public schools in Kenya still faces challenges related to access and retention. The issue is more pronounced in regions like Kajiado county where socioeconomic and cultural dynamics, including nomadic pastoralist lifestyles, can affect children’s schooling. This study therefore, sought to investigate home and school based parental involvement as predictors of access and retention in public primary schools in Kajiado County, Kenya. The study was guided by Epstein’s Six Types of Parental Involvement Model. Using a descriptive survey design, the study collected data from 10 schools, targeting 100 teachers. The Krejcie and Morgan Table from 1970 was utilized to determine a sample size of 80 respondents, who were selected through simple random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire, which was first piloted to assess its validity and reliability. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that parental financial contributions, involvement in learning, provision of resources and participation in academic activities affects pupils access and retention. The study recommends several strategies to improve access and retention in Kajiado County public primary schools.
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Role of SUPKEM leadership in fighting against extremism and terrorism in Kenya
(Taylor and francis, 2024) Akasi, H.Y.
The Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims (SUPKEM) was established in 1973 as an umbrella body to bring together all Muslims in Kenya with the intention of addressing the needs of the Muslim community in Kenya. It also acts as a link between the Kenyan government and its Muslim citizens. Extremism is one of the major threats to the East African region and Kenya in particular. The ideology of violent extremism is spread through different media and radicalizes individuals into terrorists who kill and cause devastation. The Muslim community in Kenya has a role to play in combating violent extremism and terrorism in the country because conversion to Islam has been linked to radicalization and violent extremism, particularly along Kenya’s coast. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the role that SUPKEM leadership can play in the counterterrorism mea- sures implemented in Kenya. Qualitative research was used to study the role that Muslim leaders in SUPKEM play in countering violent extremism and terrorism. Qualitative inter- views with selected Islamic leaders provided rich data that helped to understand terrorism and violent extremism in Kenya. The results showed that SUPKEM leadership is well- informed about the problem of terrorism and violent extremism in Kenya. Islamic leadership can play a role through alternative narratives, religious dialogue, and more scholarly research to guide their believers against dangerous religious ideology.
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Challenges facing Muslim converts in the Republic of Kenya: A case study of Mumias-Kakamega county
(Taylor and francis, 2024) Akasi, H.Y.
Converts are a significant group within Kenya’s Muslim population. If converts are handled in the right way, they may play a big role in the spread of Islam to non-Muslims. If converts are treated properly, they could have a significant impact on the propagation of Islam among non- Muslims. In Mumias, Kakamega County, Kenya, converts face so many challenges as they navigate through their new-found faith. The aim of this study was to investigate the problems that convert in Kakamega face. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews as primary data. For the interviews, a sample of 25 participants was selected. There were 15 men and 10 women. Converts face physical assault, derogatory language, neglect by family and friends, difficulty finding a scho- lar, social integration, difficulties acquiring Islamic knowledge, difficulties learning the Quran, humiliation, identity issues, marital problems, and other problems, according to the findings. The study recommends a systematic process of educating converts for a better understanding of Islam and providing them with self-efficiency projects that will enable them to be self-reliant.
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Financial Inclusion and Stock Market Developmentin Kenya; ACase of Kajiado County
(Blue Print Academic Publishers, 2024-09-22) Munene, Wanja Agnes; Koech, Alex
The Group of Twenty (G20) recognizes that financial inclusion as a key enabler in the fight against poverty. In effort to alleviating poverty in Kenya, the government identified the stock market as a key avenue in mobilizing resources. The Development of its stock market is thus vital avenue that could be used to mobilize investment funds required for implementation of vision 2030 projects. However, the stock market is contributing less than one percent of growth financing against the government expectation of ten percent. This study therefore, sought to investigate the effect of financial inclusion on stock market development in Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the effects of access to financial services, usage of financial services, quality of the products and the service delivery on stock market development in Kenya. Using stratified random sampling, a sample size of 482respondents was drawn from a target population.Multiple regression Model was employed in order to determine the relationship between financial inclusion and stock market participation in Kenya. The study found out there was a strong positive relationship between financial access, usage and product quality and stock market development.Also, financial access(β=.061, p<0.05), usage(β=.083, p<0.05)and product quality(β=.476, p<0.05)has a positive and statistically significant effect on stock market development in Kenya.In addition, the study found that most of the responses on advanced financial literacy questions were performed below average indicating low financial literate levels among the respondents.The study recommends that the county government initiate programs that will enhance financial inclusion in the county, this will not only enhance stock market development but also other market sectors.