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    Analysis of the utilization of instructional media and technology during instruction of Arabic language at Umma University
    (Taylor and Francis, 2024) Omukaba, O.R.
    Technology advancement has become integral in all spheres of human life, including the education sector. In that respect, we cannot separate instructional media and technology (IMT) from education. This study analyzes the available IMTs vis-a-vis utilizing them for instructing the Arabic language at the Umma University, Kajiado Campus. The research was driven by a lack of adequate IMT in many institutions, and sometimes, if provided, they were underutilized either due to a lack of proficiency or the feeling that they were not important. The study is guided by the cognitive theory of multimedia learning developed by Richard E. Mayer (Mayor 2005). A descriptive survey design was employed to collect data through questionnaires and interviews, and a sample size of 30 participants was drawn from the target population of 80 lecturers and students by purposive sampling. Qualitative data was analyzed and presented thematically in narrative form, and quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. The study findings revealed that IMT is essential in enhancing the instruction of the Arabic language at Umma University, but its availability is minimal and it is underutilized. Thus, it underscores the need for increased availability of IMT and establishing initiatives that will ensure more of its utilization. It recommends that the administration ensures provisions of IMT and monitor its utilization by requiring that all lecturers use IMT in teaching.