Undergraduate research Projects

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    Human rights abuses of Muslim minority in Mombasa, Kenya
    (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC THOUGHTS, 2016) Mwamburi, Adam Mwenda Hamisi
    Despite Constitutional guarantees, human rights of Muslim minorities in Kenya are being infringed upon by government security agents. This study examines the actual forms human rights violations havetaken place against Muslim minorities in Kenya, in particular Muslims in Mombasa city after 9/11. It further examines the reasons why Muslims in Kenya and Mombasa in particular become the victims of these human rights violations. This study is based upon documentary sources, a series of unstructured interviews with community leaders, defense lawyers, human rights activists and members of human rights organizations. The study found human rights abuses against the Muslim communities in Mombasa after 9/11 being unprecedented. It has taken such forms as, extra-judicial executions of Muslim clerics and activists, forceful disappearances of Muslim terror suspects, arbitrary arrests, raids conducted particularly of Muslim homes, and closing down of mosques in Mombasa by police. Muslim Kenyans are suffering in the hands of the special police unit known as Anti-Terrorist Police Unit (ATPU). Since its creation in 2003, this counter-terrorism branch reportedly committed gross human rights abuses that violated international, regional and domestic laws.
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    Marriage Customs among Duruma Muslims in Kenya: An Evaluation study in light of the Quran and Sunnah
    (Internation Islamic University of Malaysia, 2018-12-01) Zakariya, Luqman; Abdulrahman, Mansab Mahsen
    This research elaborates marriage customs relate to Duruma community. The researchers have observed negative impacts to the community as the result of practicing the marriage customs. For instance, the spread of spinsterhood in the society, infection of disease such like HIV, increase in the number of the children born of adultery and a drastic school dropout because of early marriage. They have tended into marry customs such as forbidding a man to marry the sister of his deceased wife as well as his cousins. The research methodology applied in this study is inductive method: the researcher reviewed references and dissertations relating to marriage customs in Duruma tribe. Moreover open –ended questions used during interview to understand the major opinion that relate to the topic of this research. The study concludes with major results as follows: The research reveals that some of the traditions comply with Quran and Sunnah, while some violate it. Lack of knowledge is the major causes of violating.
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    The Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori infection and Clinical Outcomes of Patient with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Admitted at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
    (World Applied Sciences Journal, 2014) Osman, Hussein Ali; Hasan, Habsah; Suppian, Rapeah; Hamzah, Nor Aizal Che; Sharif, Sharifah Emilia Tuan; Majid, Noorizan Abdul; Zilfalil, Bin-Alwi
    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) remains one of the most common clinical life threatening emergencies which are associated with a high morbidity and mortality. The main aim of this study was to determine the cause of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) in upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients. A retrospective record review study was conducted among UGIB confirmed patients from January 2009 and December 2012 at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. All patients who were admitted in hospital were recruited. Data collection included age, gender, Helicobacter pylori positivity, associated symptoms and Endoscopic findings. There were 46 patients with a mean age of 62 years. H. pylori was detected only in 2 (4.3%) both in Male among UGIB patients by Campylobacter-like organism (CLO) test. The prevalence of UGIB was higher in men than women 27(58.7%). The most common cause of UGIB was peptic ulcer (56.5%) and especially high amongst male patients (59.2%).The second common cause of UGIB was gastritis (19.6%). The majority of the patients are NSAID users 25 (54.3%). In conclusion, Peptic ulcer disease is the leading cause of UGIB and mainly common among males and H. pylori infection in upper gastrointestinal bleeding patients was low.
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    Clinical significance of Helicobacter pylori cagA and iceA genotype status
    (World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2010-09-21) Amjad, Nasser; Osman, Hussain Ali; Razak, Najibah Abdul; Kassian, Junaini; Din, Jeffri; bin Abdullah, Nasuruddin
    To study the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori ) virulence factors and clinical outcome in H. pylori infected patients.
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    Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori cagA, babA2, and dupA genotypes and correlation with clinical outcome in Malaysian patients with dyspepsia
    (Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014-12-20) OSMAN, Hussein Ali; HASAN, Habsah; SUPPIAN, Rapeah; HASSAN, Syed; ANDEE, Dzulkarnaen Zakaria; MAJID, Noorizan ABDUL; ZILFALIL, Bin-Alwi
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    Genotyping of Helicobacter pylori cagA Gene from a Patient Who Failed Eradication Therapy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
    (International Medical Journal, 2015-04-01) Osman, Hussein Ali; Hasan, Habsah; Suppian, Rapeah; Arjunan, Saravanan; B. A., Zilfalil
    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that causes chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer. Here we report a female patient presenting with dyspepsia. She was tested positive six times by the Rapid Urease test and Urea breath test (UBT). A culture of gastric biopsy was done and the isolate showed resistance to Clarithromycin and Metronidazole while polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed the presence of cagA H. pylori virulence gene. Presence of cagA might not be a risk factor in development of Metronidazole resistance to antibiotic therapy. In conclusion, we report a female Malaysian Indian with cagA positive H. pylori infection, but experienced Metronidazole resistance to antibiotic therapy.
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    (EAST AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2016-09-01) Osman, H. A.
    Helicobacter pylori(H. Pylori) is one of the most common pathogens affecting human kind, infecting more than 50% of the world's population. Invasive and non-invasive methods have been used to diagnose H. pylori infection. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been broadly and successfully used to detect Helicobacter pylori virulence genes in gastric biopsies and stool specimen due to its high sensitivity and specificity. Genotyping using H. pylori genes, the cytotoxin associated gene A (cagA) and voculating cytotoxin gene A (vacA), offers one of the best options. Objective: To determine if genotyping of H. pylori cytotoxin associated gene A (cagA) and voculating cytotoxin gene A (vacA) virulence genes in infected patients as well as healthy individuals can be done from stool specimen. Study selection: A Pubmed/Medline search was carried out using specific key words to retrieve all publications on genotyping of H. pylori cagA and vacA from stool specimen between year 2003 to 2012. Data synthesis:Ten different studies from different locations fulfilled the selection criteria and were included in the study. Results:This review summarises different protocol used to successfully detect H.pylori virulence genes cytotoxin associated gene A (cagA) and voculating cytotoxin gene A (vacA) from faecal specimen by PCR from asymptomatic healthy individuals and infected people with Helicobacter pylori infection. Conclusion: this review highlights the use of stool specimen as an alternative test for genotyping of H. pylori cagA and vacA virulence genes as it is non-invasive and easy to collect.
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    Evaluation of the Atlas Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen Test for Diagnosis of Infection in Adult Patients
    (Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2014) HUSSEIN, ALI OSMAN; Habsah, Hasan; Rapeah, Suppian; Norhaniza, Bahar; Nurzam, Suhaila Che Hussin; Amry, Abdul Rahim; Syed, Hassan; Dzulkarnaen, Zakaria Andee; Bin-Alwi, Zilfalil
    Background: Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is one of the most important causes of dyspepsia and gastric cancer and diagnosis can be made by invasive or non-invasive methods. The Atlas Helicobacter pylori antigen test is a new rapid non-invasive method which is simple to conduct. The aim of this study was to determine its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and accuracy. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted between July 2012 and December 2013. Stool samples of 59 dyspeptic patients who underwent upper endoscopy were evaluated for H. pylori stool antigen. Results: From the 59 patients who participated in this study, there were 36 (61%) males and 23 (39%) females. H. pylori was diagnosed in 24 (40.7%) gastric biopsies, 22 (91.7 %) of these being positive for the Atlas H. pylori antigen test. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy were 91.7%, 100%, 100%, 94.6% and 96.6% respectively. Conclusions: The Atlas H. pylori antigen test is a new non-invasive method which is simple to perform and avails reliable results in a few minutes. Thus it can be the best option for the diagnosis of H. pylori infection due to its high sensitivity and specificity.
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    Fundamentals of Valid Marriage in Islamic Law: An Evaluation of Muslim Practices in Nigeria
    (Journal of Islamic Law Review,, 2018-12-01) Manswab, Abdulrahman; Abdullahi, Saliu Ishola
    It is a well-known fact that, Islamic Law (Shari‘ah) is a complete code of life, which regulates every facet of human endeavors. This is more so with regards to the principles laid down under it to regulate the life of a Muslim family. Thus, for a marriage to be valid under the Shari‘ah, certain requirements must be met. These requirements, though very sacrosanct, are not in any way rigid or burdensome. However, the new trend is that a lot of changes have been introduced in this 21st century to frustrate these requirements, culminating in flagrant abuse of them in various modes. This paper critically appraises the legal requirements of a valid marriage under the Shari‘ah in comparison with the marriage practices among the Muslims in Nigeria. A special attention is given the pre-marriage steps laid down under the Shari‘ah vis-à-vis the popular practice of pre-marriage courtship in the Western world practice has also been embraced by Muslims in the country. The newly introduced and well pronounced celebration of marriage with highly expensive ceremonies as a requirement of marriage among the Nigerian Muslims is equally assessed on the scale of Islamic Law. This study adopts the doctrinal research methodology and jurisprudentially combs all the relevant materials, textually and contextually.
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    Managing inappropriate behaviours of pupils with mild cognitive disabilities in selected inclusive primary schools: Changamwe Sub-county, Mombasa county, Kenya
    (Journal of Autism and Other Developmental Disorders: Current Research and Practice, 2018) Macmbinji, V.; Zigler, R.; Maneno, R.
    Introduction. The focus of this study was to investigate management of inappropriate behaviours of pupils with mild cognitive disability in selected inclusive primary schools in Changamwe Sub-county, Mombasa, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: (1) To determine the prevalent inappropriate behaviours of pupils with cognitive disabilities in inclusive primary schools. (2) To identify the factors leading to inappropriate behaviours of pupils with cognitive disabilities. (3) To delineate the strategies teachers employing managing inappropriate behaviours of pupils with cognitive disabilities. (4) To determine the challenges teachers face in managing inappropriate behaviours among pupils with cognitive disabilities. The study was guided by the social learning theory of Albert Bandura. Materials and Methods. The study employed descriptive survey. The sample size comprised 10 deputy head teachers, 60 teachers and 30 pupils with cognitive disability. The total sample was one hundred (100) participants. The sample size was determined using purposive and random sampling methods. The researcher collected the data himself through the use of questionnaires, an interview schedule and an observation checklist. Qualitative data collected was analyzed using SPSS whereas thematic analysis was used for qualitative data. Results. The study established that academic inappropriate behaviors were the most prevalence among learners with cognitive disability as compared to the social and disruptive inappropriate behaviors. Hyperactivity and easy distraction were cited as the major factors leading to the inappropriate behaviors among learners with cognitive disability. Conclusions. We also discuss some recommended steps and effective strategies for improving the situation in schools.