Marriage Customs among Duruma Muslims in Kenya: An Evaluation study in light of the Quran and Sunnah

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Internation Islamic University of Malaysia


This research elaborates marriage customs relate to Duruma community. The researchers have observed negative impacts to the community as the result of practicing the marriage customs. For instance, the spread of spinsterhood in the society, infection of disease such like HIV, increase in the number of the children born of adultery and a drastic school dropout because of early marriage. They have tended into marry customs such as forbidding a man to marry the sister of his deceased wife as well as his cousins. The research methodology applied in this study is inductive method: the researcher reviewed references and dissertations relating to marriage customs in Duruma tribe. Moreover open –ended questions used during interview to understand the major opinion that relate to the topic of this research. The study concludes with major results as follows: The research reveals that some of the traditions comply with Quran and Sunnah, while some violate it. Lack of knowledge is the major causes of violating.



Marriage customs, Quran and Sunnah, Duruma tribe, Republic of Kenya





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