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    (2021-05-01) MOHAMED, HAMIDA
    The main cause of this study was to establish factors that determined customer loyalty rates at Gulf African Bank. To achieve this, the study sought to analyze the effect of service quality levels on customer loyalty, to investigate the effect of service or product delivery channels on customer loyalty and finally examined the effect of service cost on customer loyalty rates at Gulf African Bank. The study adopted a descriptive research design using a quantitative methodology using Gulf African Bank as the case of the study. The population of the study was drawn from Gulf African Bank customers with accounts that had been both active in May and June 2017. A Stratified random sampling and Questionnaires was used in ease of data collection and for purposes of explaining contents of the questionnaire to customers. Data was shown using tables and figure. Key findings of this study revealed that most of Gulf African Bank customers perceived customer service quality levels to be good. Consequently, this enhanced the bank’s customer loyalty rates. This study concluded that there exists a positive relationship between the levels of customer service as well as customer loyalty rates. The higher the customer service quality levels the higher the loyalty rate for Gulf African Bank customers. The study concluded that use of technology in delivery of banking products and services enhances customer loyalty rates. While technology use in service delivery is key, the use of branches remains vital for customer service delivery. This study recommended that Gulf African Bank should continually improve its customer service levels. In addition, the study recommended that Gulf African Bank continually invests in modern, new and innovative platforms to deliver banking products and services; multichannel delivery of services and products to enhance customer loyalty rates .
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    (2021-06-01) ALI, FATMA
    The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing customer choice of Islamic banks in Kenya. The specific objectives were to evaluate the effects of quality of service, competition, information technology and managerial skills on customer choice of Islamic banks in Kenya The research is of significance to The Bank, Government of Kenya and other researchers. Descriptive research design was used whereby the researcher used primary and secondary data in the study as the primary data was collected through issuance of questionnaires. The questionnaire comprised both open and closed ended, which were distributed in top management, middle management and operational staff of the bank. Stratified random sampling techniques was conducted to obtain the sample size of the respondents. The target population for the study was 86 bank officials with a sample of 45 staffs. The findings were then analyzed quantitatively and presentation of data was by use of tables and figures. The findings of the study with 96% indicated that competition affects customer choice of Islamic banks in Kenya while 4% disagreed with the opinion. Respondent with 56% indicated that information technology do affect customer choice of Islamic banks in Kenya where us 44% disagreed with the idea. Respondents of 92% indicated that managerial skills affects customer choice of Islamic banks in Kenya while 8% denied. Respondents of 80% indicated that quality of service affects customer choice of Islamic banks in Kenya. The study recommends that competition should be encouraged through motivation amongst the bank’s staff to boost the quality of the service offered. Technological facilities and systems should be upgraded to solve complex scenes like queuing, quality service should be maintained at the highest level possible via putting more efforts like working overtime and managerial skills should be reviewed occasionally.
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    (2021-05-17) NOOR, HAMDI AHMED
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    (2021-04-01) SIMIYU, EVANS WAFULA
    This study aims to investigate the roles that are played by shariah scholars that contribute on the growth of Islamic Banks in Kenya. The main objectives were to determine the impact of shariah governance on the growth of slamic Banks in Kenya, to establish the extent to which Educating the Public's influences the growth of IBS, to determine the Product approval by Shariah scholars influences the growth of Islamic banks in Kenya. The Bureaucracy and Growth theories contributed much in the study as they elaborated well how an organization can be brought up. Shariah governance, Educating the Publics on the benefits of financial products and services offered by Islamic banks and Product approval are the key roles of shariah scholars thus listed as independent variables as they were found to be the influencers of the growth of slamic banking which is the dependent variable. To achieve this, the research was conducted in the form of a descriptive study method because it identifies patterns and trends of events. The targeted population was the managers of FCB. A simple random sampling technique was used to identify the 10 sample size elements. Questionnaires were used to collect the primary data from 20 managers drawn from the banks because it’s cheap, saves time and man power to collect data from the field. Collected data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Statistical package for social scientists to compute descriptive statistics i.e. frequencies and ranges. Finally, the presentation of the results was done by use of graphs, charts, tables etc. For clarity and each of understanding of the findings. In conclusion the study found that it was Shariah Governance, Educating the Publics on Islamic financing products and Product approval were the key roles of Shariah Scholars that were 65.90% of factors that contributed to the growth of slamic Banks in Kenya. The study recommended the IBS should review, emphasis on training, advertising and create awareness of their services and products to a competitive level. About recommendations on Further study, the other studies to assess the factors that influence the growth of Islamic banks using the secondary data as the present study uses the primary data, Further study to be carried out to determine what other factors remaining 34.10% as the present study established 65.90% explained by Shariah governance, educating the Publics and product approval.
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    Managing inappropriate behaviours of pupils with mild cognitive disabilities in selected inclusive primary schools: Changamwe Sub-county, Mombasa county, Kenya
    (Journal of Autism and Other Developmental Disorders: Current Research and Practice, 2018) Macmbinji, V.; Zigler, R.; Maneno, R.
    Introduction. The focus of this study was to investigate management of inappropriate behaviours of pupils with mild cognitive disability in selected inclusive primary schools in Changamwe Sub-county, Mombasa, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: (1) To determine the prevalent inappropriate behaviours of pupils with cognitive disabilities in inclusive primary schools. (2) To identify the factors leading to inappropriate behaviours of pupils with cognitive disabilities. (3) To delineate the strategies teachers employing managing inappropriate behaviours of pupils with cognitive disabilities. (4) To determine the challenges teachers face in managing inappropriate behaviours among pupils with cognitive disabilities. The study was guided by the social learning theory of Albert Bandura. Materials and Methods. The study employed descriptive survey. The sample size comprised 10 deputy head teachers, 60 teachers and 30 pupils with cognitive disability. The total sample was one hundred (100) participants. The sample size was determined using purposive and random sampling methods. The researcher collected the data himself through the use of questionnaires, an interview schedule and an observation checklist. Qualitative data collected was analyzed using SPSS whereas thematic analysis was used for qualitative data. Results. The study established that academic inappropriate behaviors were the most prevalence among learners with cognitive disability as compared to the social and disruptive inappropriate behaviors. Hyperactivity and easy distraction were cited as the major factors leading to the inappropriate behaviors among learners with cognitive disability. Conclusions. We also discuss some recommended steps and effective strategies for improving the situation in schools.
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    Challenges Faced by Education Stakeholders in Inclusion of Individuals with Communication Difficulties into Education Mainstream-Sub-Saharan Africa: Case Study of Mombasa County, Kenya
    (Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS):, 2019-02-01) Macmbinji, Vincent Otieno
    This article sets out to answer the question “Challenges faced by education stakeholders in Inclusion of Individuals with Communication Difficulties into Education mainstream Sub-Saharan Africa”. Inclusion of Children with Communication Difficulties in the education mainstream has been a great challenge in many Sub-Saharan African countries. One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to give all Children Living with Disability (CDWs) those having communication difficulties among them; the opportunity to participate in the least restrictive environment so they can receive as much education as possible with their non-disabled peers. Many educators in regular schools and other stakeholders face a myriad of drawbacks in the process of trying the idea of having children with Communication Difficulty in the education mainstream. This article includes the background regarding the inclusion of Individuals with Communication Difficulties, literature review regarding inclusive education and challenges that teachers face in the process of trying the idea of inclusive education. Sample size included seventy (70) teachers. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. SPSS was used in analyzing quantitative data. Results of data analysis were presented using frequency distribution tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. The study established that experience in teaching learners with communication difficulty, policy regarding inclusion of learners with Communication Difficulties and the class size of learners (population) were the main challenges facing the teachers. The study recommended reforms in the curricula, in-service training for teachers, developing a policy for inclusion for children with Communication Difficulties.
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    An Analysis of Approaches Used to Train Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders Human Occupation Skills in Selected Special units, Mombasa County, Kenya
    (Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 2019-01-01) Mange, Daniel Mbirithi; Macmbinji, Vincent O.; Mjomba, Ndung’u Lewis
    This study aimed at finding out the instructional strategies used to train learners with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) human occupation skills. It was intended to establish whether teachers of children with ASD have adequate knowledge and skills to determine the educational needs of learners with ASD. It also investigated the existing instructional methods used in educating children with ASD human occupation skills, and established the level of awareness among teachers on the characteristics of learners with ASD. The stud employed quantitative approach. The target population was 435 respondents, 90 teachers and 345 learners with special needs. The sample comprised of 15 teachers and 30 pupils. Questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers. The researcher used an observation checklist to check the approaches used by teachers in training human occupations and characteristics exhibited by learners with ASD. Content validity will be determined by experts in the field of special needs. The tools were piloted in special units in Kilifi County, Kenya to determine their reliability. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Data was presented in graphs and tables. The study also found out that majority of the teachers preferred using Individualized Education Plan to train learner in human occupation skills. Further, the study found out that there were inadequate teachers trained in human occupation skills as well as managing learners with autism. The study found out that majority of the learners with autism had echolalia and lack of control of emotion and throwing tantrums. The study recommends that Ministry of Education Science & Technology should employ more teachers trained in Special Needs Education in special schools, review curriculum for teacher training colleges to inculcate management for learners with specific conditions such as ASD and more in-service training on special needs teachers regarding approaches for training learners with ASD.
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    Integrated therapy approach for children with autism spectrum disorder: case of Mombasa County, Kenya
    (Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 2019-12-01) Macmbinji, Vincent O.
    The focus of this study was integrated therapy approach for children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder is a critical issue in as far as its diagnoses and management are concerned. Lack of early diagnoses and intervention makes a mockery of the stated developmental milestones that the children with autism are supposed to achieve. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate integrated therapy approach for children with autism spectrum disorder in Mombasa County, Kenya. The sample size comprised 60 parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, 40 children with autism spectrum disorder and 20 occupational therapists. The total sample was one hundred (120) participants. The sample size was determined using specific random sampling methods. Data collected was done using questionnaires, an observation guide. Questionnaires were distributed to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder who are also members of Unleashing Potential in Autism (UPIA) whereas the observation guide was used to check the frequency of behaviours. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. SPSS was used in analyzing quantitative data. The qualitative data was informative in explaining and clarifying the quantitative data from questionnaires. Results of data analysis were presented using frequency distribution tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. The study established that social and communication, disruptive and stereotypic behaviours were the most prevalent behaviour among children with autism spectrum disorder. Stigmatization and discrimination from the community were found to be the major factors leading to low perception of parents with children with autism. There was emphasis on the use of swings, trampoline and Picture Exchange Communication System as an integrated therapy technique. Lack of support from the government, financial constraints and adequate equipment were the main challenges faced in implementation of integrated therapy approach. The study recommends that Ministry of Education Science & Technology in collaboration with Ministry of Health to conduct an awareness campaign on integrated therapy approach, community based rehabilitation programs should be initiated. A transformational approach should be implemented to make sure that all stakeholders in various special needs centres (occupational therapist, physiotherapist, psychologists, counsellors and speech and language practitioners) are fully involved in setting and reviewing policy guideline on integrated therapy approach for children with special needs.
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    Causes of climate change and its impact in the multi sectoral areas in Africa-Need for enhenced adaptation policies
    (British Jounal of Applied Science and technology, 2018-05-11) Matata, Andy Cons,Ali Adan
    Africa has experienced climate change since the late Holocene which intensified in the last century mainly due to factors such as the changes brought about by the colonial administration, which led to rapid population growth from improved healthcare systems and infrastructure, and organised agriculture. Recent studies on climate change and its impact on Africa indicate that the continent is more vulnerable to climate change than other continents because of inadequate resources. The effect of climatic change has worsened in the last fifty years, mainly due to heavy pollution and the greenhouse effect caused by the industries in the developed countries and in the newly industrialized nation such as India, China, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and others. Recent studies on climate change in Africa has shown that population growth has led to decline of forest coverincreased land and environmental degradation, leading to severe ecological disruption. This change has wreaked and continued to cause severe damage to Africa’s infrastructure, health and economy. Global warming related floods have destroyed roads, crops, water sources, and killed both people, livestock and wildlife. Droughts too have caused similar problem if not worse destruction. Africa’s poverty makes it difficult for the people to mitigate their losses and to adapt to the conditions. It is, therefore, necessary for African countries and its leaders to adopt policies and laws which deliberately aim at addressing the problems created by climate change. These policies should be tilted towards adaptation rather than mitigation since African countries generally lacks the capacity. The objective of this paper is to create policy awareness on the causes of climatic change and its impact on sectoral systems in order to prioritise timely knowledge-based policy decision for stimulated green growth development opportunities. The findings and the conclusion are based on the available literature.
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    (International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2015-08) Muchelule, Yusuf Wanjala,Amuhayav Iravo Mike
    The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of monitoring planning practices on project performance of Kenyan State Corporations. Complexity theory informed the study. Mixed research design was adopted and a target population of 187 state corporations was used. Simple random sampling were used to select 65 state corporations who forms the sample size. Data was collect using questionnaire. The collected data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics as well as qualitative methods. Findings from regression model showed that monitoring planning (β1 = -0.307) had negative significant effect project performance in Kenyan State Corporations. The implication is that monitoring planning results in declined project performance. There is thus need for further research on the same to establish the validity of this concept.