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    Challenges Faced by Education Stakeholders in Inclusion of Individuals with Communication Difficulties into Education Mainstream-Sub-Saharan Africa: Case Study of Mombasa County, Kenya
    (Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS):, 2019-02-01) Macmbinji, Vincent Otieno
    This article sets out to answer the question “Challenges faced by education stakeholders in Inclusion of Individuals with Communication Difficulties into Education mainstream Sub-Saharan Africa”. Inclusion of Children with Communication Difficulties in the education mainstream has been a great challenge in many Sub-Saharan African countries. One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to give all Children Living with Disability (CDWs) those having communication difficulties among them; the opportunity to participate in the least restrictive environment so they can receive as much education as possible with their non-disabled peers. Many educators in regular schools and other stakeholders face a myriad of drawbacks in the process of trying the idea of having children with Communication Difficulty in the education mainstream. This article includes the background regarding the inclusion of Individuals with Communication Difficulties, literature review regarding inclusive education and challenges that teachers face in the process of trying the idea of inclusive education. Sample size included seventy (70) teachers. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. SPSS was used in analyzing quantitative data. Results of data analysis were presented using frequency distribution tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. The study established that experience in teaching learners with communication difficulty, policy regarding inclusion of learners with Communication Difficulties and the class size of learners (population) were the main challenges facing the teachers. The study recommended reforms in the curricula, in-service training for teachers, developing a policy for inclusion for children with Communication Difficulties.
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    Integrated therapy approach for children with autism spectrum disorder: case of Mombasa County, Kenya
    (Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 2019-12-01) Macmbinji, Vincent O.
    The focus of this study was integrated therapy approach for children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder is a critical issue in as far as its diagnoses and management are concerned. Lack of early diagnoses and intervention makes a mockery of the stated developmental milestones that the children with autism are supposed to achieve. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate integrated therapy approach for children with autism spectrum disorder in Mombasa County, Kenya. The sample size comprised 60 parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, 40 children with autism spectrum disorder and 20 occupational therapists. The total sample was one hundred (120) participants. The sample size was determined using specific random sampling methods. Data collected was done using questionnaires, an observation guide. Questionnaires were distributed to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder who are also members of Unleashing Potential in Autism (UPIA) whereas the observation guide was used to check the frequency of behaviours. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. SPSS was used in analyzing quantitative data. The qualitative data was informative in explaining and clarifying the quantitative data from questionnaires. Results of data analysis were presented using frequency distribution tables, bar graphs, and pie charts. The study established that social and communication, disruptive and stereotypic behaviours were the most prevalent behaviour among children with autism spectrum disorder. Stigmatization and discrimination from the community were found to be the major factors leading to low perception of parents with children with autism. There was emphasis on the use of swings, trampoline and Picture Exchange Communication System as an integrated therapy technique. Lack of support from the government, financial constraints and adequate equipment were the main challenges faced in implementation of integrated therapy approach. The study recommends that Ministry of Education Science & Technology in collaboration with Ministry of Health to conduct an awareness campaign on integrated therapy approach, community based rehabilitation programs should be initiated. A transformational approach should be implemented to make sure that all stakeholders in various special needs centres (occupational therapist, physiotherapist, psychologists, counsellors and speech and language practitioners) are fully involved in setting and reviewing policy guideline on integrated therapy approach for children with special needs.