School of Law, Sharia and Islamic Studies

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    (Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 2021-04-01) Manswab, Mahsen Abdulrahman
    The cabinet secretary for health appointed the interfaith council to oversee the Re-opening of the places of worships. On 7th July 2020 the interfaith council released guideline which drew mixed reactions amongst the Muslim clerics and mosques committees; some decided to comply with the guidelines and re-opened their mosques; while others abstained completely from opening the Mosques. The aim of this study is to explore and discuss the restrictions, which raised tension among the Muslim clerics. The research methodology applied is inductive method for collecting data material related to the study, and descriptive and analytical methods to analyze the Kenya interfaith guideline and compare with Islamic jurisprudence in the matters related to performing devotional acts. Lastly, the study is expected to respond to all questions related to "social distancing of 1.5m between worshipers", "minimizing of worshipers attending congregational prayers", "Reduce physical Adhan", "purifying from home", "matter related to children to follow congregation online ", and use of hand sanitizers"
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    An Analysis of the Causes of Divorce among Muslims in Mombasa County in the Sharia Law Perspective
    (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities, 2020-10-21) Manswab, Mahsen Abdulrahman
    Divorce is the most hateful action permitted in Islamic law. Islam puts some measures to ensure that the separation of two spouses will not occur. However, on some occasions, dissolution will become necessary because two parties cannot live together in an atmosphere of hatred and disaffection. Recently, cases about the repeal have been increasing rapidly among Muslim society in Mombasa County. This study explores the issues causing divorce among spouses in Mombasa County. The result shows that some of the reasons for divorce are poverty and unemployment, seeking a job overseas, psychological problems, drug addiction, family interference, early and forced marriage, cultural issues, and domestic violence. Questionnaire and Open-ended questions were used involving divorcees as respondents. In addition to that, the researcher reviewed references and studied dissertations relating to divorce.
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    An Analysis of the Causes of Divorce among Muslims in Mombasa County in the Sharia Law Perspective
    (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities, 2020-10-23) Manswab, Mahsen Abdulrahman
    Divorce is the most hateful action permitted in Islamic law.Islam puts some measures to ensure that the separation of two spouses will notoccur. However, on some occasions, dissolution will become necessarybecause two parties cannot live together in an atmosphere of hatred and disaffection. Recently, cases aboutthe repealhave been increasing rapidly among Muslim society in Mombasa County. This study explores the issues causing divorce among spouses in Mombasa County. The result shows that some of the reasons for divorce are poverty and unemployment, seeking a job overseas, psychological problems, drug addiction, family interference, early and forced marriage, cultural issues, and domestic violence.Questionnaire and Open-ended questions were used involving divorcees as respondents. In addition to that, the researcher reviewed references and studied dissertations relating to divorce